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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FABAIC 2010 Body Painting Winners

The 2010 Face and Body Art International Convention (FABAIC) ended a successful convention and competition with awards given in two divisions in the Body Painting category. All the competing artists are winners for participating and completing their art in this grueling event. The models of course deserve special recognition for their patience and stamina while being painted and displaying the art of the artists on their bodies. Without the models at these events, the living art of Body Painting would not exist.

In the FABAIC 2010 Body Painting Competition Semi-Pro Division, the Winner was Lawren Alice, a Body Painting Artist who currently resides and works in Philadelphia, PA, USA. The Second Place Award went to Paola Gallardo with third place going to Heather Aguilera. Mehron Makeup offers congratulations to these FABAIC Award Winners and all the hard working competitors who participated in this event.

FABAIC 2010 Body Painting Winners
2010 FABAIC Winner Body Painting - Semi-Pro Divison. Lawren Alice Body Painting Artist, Kristine Del Rosso, Model

In the Body Painting Competition Professional Division at FABAIC 2010 the 1st Place Winner was, Yolanda Bartram from New Zealand, with her creation painted on Model Abby Trent. The 2nd place award in the Professional Division went to Paul Roustan. Third Place in the Professional Division was a rarity with the judges scores rating Body Painting Artists Gaelle Mouster and Joelle Gagnon equally, making it a tie for the third place ward. Mehron Makeup salutes the winners and congratulates the participants in this 9th annual Body Painting Competition and Convention.

FABAIC 2010 Body Painting WinnersThe Winning Body Painting in the 2010 FABAIC Body Painting Professional Division on Model Abby Trent by Body Painting Artist Yolanda Bartram.